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NYSUT reported this morning that United Healthcare (UHC) and the 
Carolinas Health Care System (CHS) have reached a contractual agreement, 
resulting in the return of all CHS physicians to The Empire Plan 
network. The effective date will be retroactive to March 1, 2015, 
ensuring that Empire Plan enrollees and dependents do not experience any 
interruption in their network benefits for services received from CHS 
providers. Any questions regarding CHS providers or claims should be 
directed to UHC by calling The Empire Plan at 1-877-7-NYSHIP 
(1-877-769-7447); press or say 1 for the Medical Program

This week, the Senate passed the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 to repeal the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula that determines Medicare physician payments and extend the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for two years. Congress has acted 17 times to temporarily prevent drastic payment cuts resulting from use of the SGR formula. The “doc fix” bill replaces the SGR with alternative, value-driven payment strategies. This is good news for people with Medicare, who need to know their doctors will be there when they need them. 
The bill also permanently funds the
ALBANY, N.Y. April 2, 2015 — New York State United Teachers President Karen E. Magee today released the following statement in response to Regents Chancellor Merryl Tisch’s suggestion that high-performing school districts could be exempted from the new teacher evaluation system:
"This is yet another example showing why the governor’s toxic education plan is top down and unworkable. Instead of doing everything possible to recruit, support and keep great teachers for students burdened by poverty, he’s boxing them in with test and punish. Now the chancellor seems to be floating a ‘yacht’
NYSUT is asking everyone to call members of the New York State Senator NOW!!!
Senator Dean Skelos, Republican representing New York Senate District 9 in Nassau Country.  recently made some damaging comments, criticizing the Assembly for "carrying NYSUT/UFT water."
Pressure needs to be applied to members of the Senate, and NYSUT is asking members to call and ask Senators to:
Continue to reject harmful due process changes to 3020-a
Reject tying tenure to teacher evaluation
Reject any increase in testing
Reject any loss of collective bargaining rights
Senator's Albany and Home District Phone Numbers

NYSUT members need to make sure that Assembly Democrats stand firm during budget negotiation.



The Spring Luncheon will be held at the Smithtown  Landing Country Club on Wednesday, April 29th at 12 noon.The cost is $27.50 per person.