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A Message for the NYSUT Regional Office …

Political Action in Suffolk County – 3/15/18

We need to keep winning elections

We’re all aware that public education, labor and in particular public employees unions are facing serious threats to their very existence.   What has empowered our enemies is that we lost too many elections in the early part of this decade.  But starting about a year ago we began to see a change -- last May we won a special election with Christine Pellegrino, this fall we demonstrated the clout we could bring to the polls with the overwhelming Con-Con win.  Around the country we’re seeing progressive candidates doing better than we have seen in years.Political Action in Suffolk County – 3/15/18

We need to keep winning elections

We’re all aware that public education, labor and in particular public employees unions are facing serious threats to their very existence.   What has empowered our enemies is that we lost too many elections in the early part of this decade.  But starting about a year ago we began to see a change -- last May we won a special election with Christine Pellegrino, this fall we demonstrated the clout we could bring to the polls with the overwhelming Con-Con win.  Around the country we’re seeing progressive candidates doing better than we have seen in years.
If we’re going to defend labor’s rights, we must keep up the momentum.  That means winning more elections.
Our next chance is another special election on Long Island on April 24. NYSUT has endorsed former County Legislator Steve Stern for Assembly.  Win this, put another friend in office.
We’re not going to ask you to do a lot.  Everybody’s got a lot on their plate.  But with a just a little help we can win an election and continue to turn the tide.  We need only one day (see below), an hour or two from you and a few of your members.
As part of this campaign we’re going to be asking local leaders to contact members who live in AD 10, NYSUT will do some mailings, but we also need volunteers to make some calls and do some texting.  Below are the days and times for phones, let us know when you and your local can help either at the regional office, your office, or whatever works.  Please RSVP ASAP
Phone banking at regional office:
Monday          April 9             3:30 to 6
Tuesday         April 10          Retirees starting at 10:30, everyone else 3:30 to 6
Wednesday   April 11          3:30 to 8 (dinner will be provided)
Thursday       April 12          3:30 to 6
Monday          April 16          3:30 to 6
Tuesday         April 17          Retirees starting at 10:30, everyone else 3:30 to 6
Wednesday   April 18          3:30 to 6
Thursday       April 19          3:30 to 6
Monday          April 23          3:30 to 6
Tuesday         April 14          Retirees starting at 10:30 to 5

The nation — once again — is mourning the senseless deaths of children due to another school shooting, the latest one claiming the lives of 17 students Feb. 14 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla.

Many of our members are responsible gun owners. Some belong to the NRA. Voices across the political spectrum are coming together to say enough is enough.

Take action now and pledge to join the National Day of Action Against Gun Violence in Schools on April 20.


President Trump sent his proposed 2019 budget to Congress on Monday February 12th.  When running for office, he pledged to leave Medicare benefits untouched.  However, his budget proposal would reduce Medicare spending by $554 billion over the next 10 years. If you are concerned about the budget proposing huge cuts to the Medicare program, contact our Senators with your concerns and urge them to vote against this budget proposal.


We’re facing a pivotal moment in our fight for justice. This month, the Supreme Court will hear Janus v. AFSCME Council 31—a case brought by corporate elites to further rig the rules against working people. We need your voice to be heard against these wealthy special interests.


Opinon piece by Harmon L. Walker,  Political Action Chairperson, Three Village Schools Retiree Association

The great irony of the campaign, from a union perspective, to defeat the calling of a Constitutional Convention was to witness the disparate groups within the state and nation, with their very divergent interests, attempting to cooperate to stop change and reform, whether it could be a good idea or a bad one!  All the groups whose members work diligently to stop this Constitutional Convention did not do it because they had a vision of what they wanted but rather to protect what they have