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NYSUT is working to ensure a NO VOTE on the Constitutional Convention this November, and is asking for our help. They will be holding retiree phone banks every Tuesday starting August 1st at the Suffolk Regional Office in Hauppauge.

These phone banks will run from every Tuesday from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and will entail retiree activists contacting fellow NYSUT retirees to educate them on the perils of the Constitutional Convention.

There will be a phone bank training on Tuesday, July 18th from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at the Suffolk RO to familiarize callers with the new phone banking system


The Middle Island Teachers Association asks your help on June 30 to support Teamseters Local 812.


They said it couldn't be done! Well, we did it!

Thanks in large part to the dedicated activism of hundreds of NYSUT members and labor volunteers, Long Island teacher Christine Pellegrino won a huge upset victory this week in the special election in New York's 9th Assembly District. The big win has become national news.
In a note of thanks, Pellegrino said, "When we work together, when we organize, when we fight back, WE WIN!" You can go to the MAC to send a personal message of congratulations and to wish her well in the state Assembly!



Don’t let anyone tell you that retired people are not active or interested in their future welfare because on April 28, 2017, over 50 retired union and community members met at the NYSUT Hauppauge office to attend a meeting of The Long Island Chapter of the New York State Alliance for Retired Americans (NYSARA) to hear about health care and the New York State Constitutional Convention.


Joan Perrini, Suffolk Retiree Services Consultant, welcomed everyone, and then introduced Martha Livingston PhD, Chair of the Public Health Department at SUNY Old


ClearCaptions for hearing impaired Seniors — ClearCaptions is a free service available to seniors with hearing loss providing text of phone conversations for people with hearing loss. Certified as a caption telephone provider by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), ClearCaptions offers an innovative suite of communication services on a variety of platforms, including personal computers, mobile devices and home phones. The phone equipment is free and plugs into your current phone - all that is needed is internet access.  It provides simultaneous print out of in coming phone calls and


Extending and expanding the Millionaires' Tax would raise $5.6 billion in revenue to support public education, health care and infrastructure improvements. This tax plan would create three new tax rates for New Yorkers making over $5 million annually – a fiscally and social responsible plan that would hardly strain millionaire household budgets.

Take action now at the NYSUT Member Action Center to ask lawmakers to support commonsense revenue proposals that ensure the state's highest earners pay their fair share!