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NYSUT is working to ensure a NO VOTE on the Constitutional Convention this November, and is asking for our help. They will be holding retiree phone banks every Tuesday starting August 1st at the Suffolk Regional Office in Hauppauge.

These phone banks will run from every Tuesday from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and will entail retiree activists contacting fellow NYSUT retirees to educate them on the perils of the Constitutional Convention.

There will be a phone bank training on Tuesday, July 18th from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at the Suffolk RO to familiarize callers with the new phone banking system


They said it couldn't be done! Well, we did it!

Thanks in large part to the dedicated activism of hundreds of NYSUT members and labor volunteers, Long Island teacher Christine Pellegrino won a huge upset victory this week in the special election in New York's 9th Assembly District. The big win has become national news.
In a note of thanks, Pellegrino said, "When we work together, when we organize, when we fight back, WE WIN!" You can go to the MAC to send a personal message of congratulations and to wish her well in the state Assembly!

Starting July 1, a new state law requires all permanently or professionally certified teachers and Level III teaching assistants working in public schools or BOCES to register online with the State Education Department. All certified teaching professionals, including retirees, should become familiar with the new ruling and take steps to retain certifications.

Visit the NYSUT website to read about the new law and how it will affect you.