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NYSUT President Karen Magee has called for mobilization to support public education which is under attack once again by Governor Cuomo. Cuomo’s proposed budget for 2015-2016 comprises a frightful anti-public education agenda that relentlessly attacks teachers and hurts students. The under- funding of public schools,  SUNY, CUNY, Community Colleges and trying to make permanent the undemocratic tax cap, along with a back-door voucher scheme for charter schools all drain financial support for public education.  This  may suit his billionaire packers, but certainly  hurts public education.  


 Cuomo also plans to increase the number of charter schools, eliminate funding for teacher education programs, privatize the five SUNY hospitals, and take over teacher evaluation process.  This last would be a chaotic disaster since it is so heavily based on standardized testing, which is increased in his proposed budget .For “failing schools” the Governor proposes the state take them over which brings to mind the Roosevelt School District disaster where by the state was horrific.  One sorry fact that speaks for itself is half the state’s school districts today have less state aid than they had in 2008.  This, along with the destructive tax cap puts a tremendous burden on local districts trying to provide quality services for all students.   Remember, public education is the foundation of our country and it has withstood many attacks through the years and still remains a great institution. 


 Let us stand with our in-service colleagues and be the retiree ambassadors in our communities to set the record straight on what our governor is attempting to do to satisfy those billionaire hedge fund people who certainly have greedy motives.  When the call comes for support, we must rise to meet those who want to destroy public education and see  for-profit charter schools flourish. Check the NYSUT MAC center to keep up with what is happening and use it to communicate with our elected officials. 


 In these uncertain times VOTE/COPE contributions are vital and can be easily made through pension deduction.   The Koch brothers have almost $1,000,000,000 earmarked to influence their agenda in 2015-2016, but we have the boots on the ground and retiree’s voting record to demonstrate our opposition to their plans.  The war has started, the battles has begun and united we will be victorious.


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